7 Common Mistakes Made After a Car Accident

3. Not seeking medical attention

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There are a few key reasons why seeking medical attention as soon as possible is a good idea. First, the sooner you seek treatment the easier it is to treat problems that may have been caused by the accident. Waiting to address some injuries can allow them time to get even worse, meaning it will take longer to recover than if you had sought help right away.

Another reason why seeking treatment early on is a good idea is because a doctor’s report soon after a car accident is a great way to have your condition placed on the record. Medical examinations are detailed, and the sooner the exam occurs the more likely it will be able to reflect the harm that was caused by the accident.

Finally, going to see a doctor soon after an injury-producing accident is a good idea because it can prevent insurance companies from later arguing you were not really that hurt. Insurance companies frequently use a delay in seeking treatment to paint the person as an opportunist who only later visits the doctor in an attempt to secure money. The sooner you seek treatment the easier it will be to show that you were seriously harmed and that your injuries are directly linked to the accident.

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